This recipe wasn't planned at all. I was happy to find previously frozen really cheap whole tilapia at the Fish Department of Wal-Mart and I decided to cook it. My fish was already clean inside and out, so if you are buying your fish somewhere else, make sure you clean it, wash it, take guts out and scale. Wash fish again and set aside.

I cooked my fish stuffed with cabbage. If you don't like fried cabbage, just skip this step and move to the next one. All other preparations will be the same for fish without any stuffing.

But for cabbage-lovers it takes a little bit longer. I bought a bag of pre-cut cabbage. They called it here "Cole Slaw Salad" (Russian: Капустный Салат). I dumped all cabbage into a frying pan with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Cook it for 5-7 minutes. Add salt, pepper, 1 bay leave and 1 small can of tomato sauce. Fry another 3-5 minutes. Set aside to cool down.

Now baking part. It can turn out into a lot of cleaning afterwords, so I took a piece of aluminum foil and lined up my baking sheet to save me time on cleaning.

Fish loves veggie oil, so be generous on greasing your baking sheet. Also fish likes salt and there is nothing more horrible in my cuisine then unflavored fish or feeble witticism. :) So, season your fish generously with salt and pepper inside and outside as well. Place seasoned fish on baking sheet and stuff as much fried cabbage inside its tummy as you can. Skip this step if you don't like stuffing.

Now a little trick secret that I learned while I was trained as a chef. Prepare fry sauce. It is how Americans called mayonnaise mixed with ketchup. A couple of tablespoons of mayo and a little bit of ketchup mixed together will give you a special nice crust on the top of fish.

Apply the sauce on fish and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. Temperature 375 by Fahrenheit.

Vyalya! The stuffed tilapia is ready! Hot, warm or cold - it is good and appetizing at any temperature to consume!

I left my fish at the kitchen table. The next morning I found....

a pile of bones! Sergey ate it all, even cabbage part! Thanks goodness, I had two of them! :)
Good job,Inna! I like tilapia too, it's my favorite fish. But I don't know how I am able to cook it with cabbadge!? Sometimes,I make this sauce for other dishs too.I will try this recipe!