When I asked Leana what kind of cake she wants for her Baby Shower, she replied, "Napoleon..." But I found it too time-consuming and made her a different kind of cake! I made her a Diaper Cake! I want to warn you that this cake is not eatable! But it looks good and it is my Baby Shower present for Leana! So, I want to share recipe here for those who wants to "cook" it sometimes! It is really easy to cook and it takes only 20 minutes compared to the real "Napoleon" cake that takes a couple of hours!
First, I will list the main "ingredients". You will need a box of new-born size diapers.

Then some "stuffing" like clothes for the baby, according to the gender pink or blue.

Some small toys, hygiene items or anything baby will need.

I also found very cute baby-shoes with Winnie the Pooh picture on them!

Also you will need knitting yarn, scissors, sewing pins, hard-board circle and plastic wrap for the decoration part.

I did three-layers cake. It is handy when you have someone to help you to fold diapers in the shape of the big round. If you are doing it alone, you need to cut pieces of yarn before you start. Cut about 5 of them with the different length from 1 foot to 3 feet. Now open the box with diapers and start rolling them together, adding them one by one.

When it is hard to hold them together, take a piece of yarn and tight it around the diaper roll.

Do all three layers with of desired size. I did the biggest one first just to make sure it fits my "cake plate", meaning the hard-board circle that we prepared before.

When it is all done, they should somewhat like that picture.
Now you need to use sewing pins to hold them together. DO NOT USE GLUE GUN AT ANY POINT! It will totally ruin the diapers and the whole point of this present is that the mother of the baby will have her first diapers handy. So, little tiny wholes from the pins won't ruin it, but glue gun will for sure!
Next part is decorating. Place the big piece of wrapping plastic or other kind of wrapping material you want on the table. Set our "cake" in the middle of it.

Now use all your items for decorating. Roll pieces of clothing and tight them up with the yarn. Use tape or pins to keep your items in places. Let your fantasy be your guide and be not afraid to overload your cake with baby items. Mom and new-born will need everything!

Carefully wrap the plastic around your cake trying to keep all the decorating items in places. Tight it up on the top.

Place the bow and some ribbons.

Your cake is ready! Wasn't it easy?? I hope that Leana and Aleks will like it!
I love it!!!! I'm so excited to see it!!!! Thank you so much! It is really cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteИнна, вот это хохма была!!! Я сначала никак не могла понять, при чём тут памперсы и всё-всё-всё...Когда же будет сам торт?!...Ха-ха-ха! Но идея - класс!!!
ReplyDeleteДа,это я так решила пошутить - поместить "рецепт" торта из памперсов мой кулинарный блог! Ха-ха! Я рада, что шутка удалась!