This recipe probably won't be really popular among my American readers. :) Somehow, I rare meet Americans who love pork. But this fact won't stop me from posting the recipe. It is mostly Sunday Dinner recipe for big family, also suitable for banquet and big party. I cooked my pork loin for Harsha's party and use some tips from Bear-foot Contessa recipe book. But the original idea was mine and I cooked this meat for years.
If you are not big mushroom-lover, skip this part. But if you don't mind mushrooms in your menu, you need to prepare them first. Just fry them with onions and oil in frying pan and set aside to cool down.
Now meat. Choose pork loin of desired size and cut off fats. Wash in cool water. Wrap it in paper towel to dry of a little bit.
Next, prepare your spices: salt, pepper and mustard. Get them ready but don't use them yet.
Use salt, pepper and mustard and generously season your meat inside and out. Stuff with fried mushrooms.
Now we need to prepare the place to cook our pork loin. I use a baking sheet with 2"-high borders. Place a piece of aluminum foil on the bottom (easy to clean off). Spray with oil. This is my personal touch to the recipe: I use any vegetable I have at hands for the bottom of the pan just for moisture and nice taste. If you short on carrots and potatoes, you can cook your meat just on the piece of oiled foil, but if you can afford to waist a couple of potatoes - use them. You even don't need to peal them, just wash them and cut into slices and place on the bottom of pan.
This part is a little bit tricky - you need to tight up the loin. It also helps to keep it whole and moisture. Peal a couple of cloves of garlic and insert into meat sides by making a sharp short cuts.
Season and cover with mustard one more time. We are ready to bake!
Either way, hot or cold, it is juicy and moisture, also good with garnish or without, with piece of bread or veggie salad. I served it with horse-radish sauce mixed half-and-half with sour-cream! Delicious!
Инна, в твоём изложении как всегда всё кажется таким простым и понятным. Можно всё сделать по фото, не зная языка. Рецепт хорош, попробуем!
ReplyDeleteСпасибо за комменты! Да, Валя, если делать без грибов, то на всю подготовку уходит 10-15 минут, потом закинул в духовку на час и все дела. Я буду делать упрощенный вариант такой же буженины к приезду моих россиян - не хочу сразу пугать американской едой - приготовлю супчика и буженину. А утром уже буду кормить по-амеркиански!!! :)