Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chicken Liver Pate

Thank you all for not being indifferent to my blog! I really value your opinion! So, I will proceed!
It is an easy recipe and you don't need too much time for it. Just cook it, blend it and put it into the fridge! You will need 1 lb (about 0.5 kg) of raw Chicken Liver. It can be found at any Meat Section at any Grocery Store. I found mine at Walmart and one jar cost me about $1. Also, you will need 1/2 of lb softened butter (200 gr), two middle-sized regular onions and a couple of gloves of garlic.

Re-heat the frying pan on medium heat. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to it. Drain chicken liver from any liquid and place it into the hot frying pan. Cook liver until it's golden-brown color. You don't want to see any read spots.

Peel off the onions and cut then into big pieces. Size really doesn't matter at this stage. It will be blended later anyway!

Add onions to the fried liver and cook them together about 5-8 more minutes. My chef-tutor once told me, "You will know when it is ready...It smells ready!" It will smell good (for those who likes liver :))

At the end, add you minced garlic. For non-LDS recipe it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of cognac. But I didn't go that far!

Another secret from my culinary teachers: never add salt to the meat meals while it is cooking! It is better to add any condiments at the end, almost when you are ready to take it of the heat. So, I followed that advice and add some salt and pepper just when I took the pan away from heat.

Chicken preparation doesn't like very strong spice, but fresh grained Nutmeg is recommended. Just a pinch of Nutmeg will give your meal a new twist. Try it once and see if you like it.
When you liver is ready and all spices are in place, just set the pan aside to cool down. Now we came to the blending part.

I used Cusinart Food Processor, but the regular blender will do the work just fine. Actually, the meat grinder (мясорубка) will be useful too, just make sure you do it twice. So, blend the liver until it is homogeneous and without any lumps. Only then add softened butter and blend just another a couple of minutes. Correct you spices if needed. Place ready pate info the dish of proper size or form, or plastic container and place it into fridge for a couple of hours.

I like to eat pate when it is cold. This recipe is so rich to the taste that you don't need a layer of butter to your bread. Just enjoy it!


  1. I think you can post whatever you want here and if someone doesn't like it they don't have to cook it :)) I personally love pates but I don't know if I would want to cook it. But I would be curious to look at the recipe. Do they sell chicken liver in the US grocery stores?

  2. Yes, they sell it at Meat Section. I go it at Walmart. It looks like a jar of sour cream - the same size and color, usually you can find it in Chicken Section. It costs about $1 a jar.
    The recipe is really easy. It takes about 30 minutes to cook. My son Sergey and I, we loved it.
    И все мои американские друзья и и родня воротили нос...

  3. I vote YES!:) Post it. Yulia is right. Don't like it - don't make it, but we want to know it all!

  4. Инна, это твой блог и ты сама решаешь, что писать здесь. Раньше я могла себе позволить полакомиться потрошками самыми разными и разных животных и мне было глубоко наплевать, кому это не нравиться. Муж мой это не любил и тоже воротил нос. А сейчас, когда борюсь за чистоту своих сосудов, я это не ем.

  5. Спасибо за советы! Уговорили! Буду писать! Рада, что нашла поддержку! :)

  6. Ой так вкусно звучит! Надо попробовать. Только если сделаю, то мужу не скажу из чего, пока не попробует. А то он тоже нос воротит от таких например блюд как вкуснейшая окрошка на сметане и тому подобное, даже и пробовать не хочет, просто потому что сама идея ему чужда :))

  7. Спасибо, Инна! И неважно, будет ли кто-то использовать этот рецепт, а я думаю, будут (уже есть желающие), важны твои секретики, которые часто можно использовать и в других случаях...

  8. I like yor blog! If somebody don't English yours pictures will tell him all!

  9. Спасибо девочки!
    Выпадаю из эфира на три дня по причине свадьбы. Сегодня испекла 240 печенек с шоколадом! Но на блоге не буду ставить рецепт! Так достало! :)
